Saturday, April 30, 2011

4/30/11.. :) faces by my cruising feet and men riding toy dolphins on 5th st?

u see a lot when u walk to the beach from 17th...
good sign, stepping out on my cruise w/ a smile face cloud up above...
got it water, bsuit, headphones, runners, and the token shoelace belt i made last min ta hold me darn shorts up... 
: >
whistling while i walk ahaha
mmm wish i munching on some a that right now
never been down this alley before, why not check it out
=) and a solo flip flop
: )
ahhh yes, finally getting "NEAR" 
lol, had a smoke w this one
: )
ahahaha love this one =I
made some new friends
snapped this for kai man, el caminos one a his fave...he calls it the 'pick-up car'..says he gonna get one soon, "perfect for picking up the hot ladies in ma", slow down rock star, u turning 9 next week, not 20
i see 3 smile faces here....if u still reading this ahaha, how many u see?
yes, we going interactive this post
the money shot...
i know, anticlimatic
made it sound fab in the title, but dude...this still in the window on 5th street...i dunno, guess it better than that huge blow up schlong kai man was playing w/ the other nite lmao
this one kinda hot, but ya, as a mother, this so not...
if u a parent already, u know what i mean, when u get the "mommie what are these girls doing?" kind of questions from them and then u have to come up w/ some sort of explanation,  or instantly thro out some fab diversion right quick...
god ahahaha i so bad at all that.
i mean, just cuz u a parent, doesnt mean u get instantly updated w/ a manual for handling these awkwardly amazing situations w/ ease. Half the time i just end up laughing (da totally nervous kind) and am all, "um, kai man, can we get back to that one a lil later? thanks dude" 
stoked if ur name is oreo
: I
even the tree was smilin' :1
love the love tagging dude...tho all the others of his got cleaned up, this dumpster still sportin' it proud woop woop!
ahhh finally made it 305, and this what kai man tagged up last night...our beautiful french doors....(u gotta have vision folks...see past the day hope soon, the real doors finally make it 305 too) ahaha
yay 3rd st
hi carlotta!!! this chica so awesome, tiny tiny w/ the hugest heart...and her banana bread? unreal yums :)
these ladies take on the little black dress....the big black all matching beach coverups holla!
and yes, all in the same day, we get to see a chimp in a tux on a photoshoot...
gettin force fed a can of
god love south beach and way too cheesy rich dudes wanting way too bad to have some sorta twisted fame status.  well, gotta look on the bright side of this least they weren't making the monkey do the other kinda coke ta keep stoked on set lmfao

Friday, April 29, 2011


i know, they mine, but ya, i worst critic...but these done right
....plexi coated metallic paper mounted on aluminum....

BUY :)

4/29/11....g.i.joe'd be stoked, but i um, wasn't so much

imagine if that one real?  mmmmmmm

these guys were having fun tho...
ocean and daddy jared 

surfline chart