Thursday, June 30, 2011

6/30/ board was spinning, not me

walked up to this...

and then i did this....
still went out tho and did a lot a spins...
this time it my board spinning round not so much me lol
finless longboarding is um interesting....
tried to channel my best rick cane from north shore drag ur foot thing but um ya.....

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

6/28/ lessons (teachin' them again if anyone is interested!:)), and errands and more lessonizin' in da pm...lil wave coming in...

miss super sweets erica french tag teamin' the lessons with me :) 
hi there miss erica!!
what up lg kev!
see, lil wave wave cruising in
go girl!! Emma up and riding, she our newest surf star wahine 3rd st!
lol went to ABC, my commercial kitchen supply place miami ave and me wtf??!!
yup, walked right onto the set of rock of ages by um accident
i just needed another 12x24 ss shelf folks
abc fronting as tower
back to lesson time
super pretty and wave still breaking woop woop

Monday, June 27, 2011

6/27/11...this way or that? (shots of the surf after my day a man work)

like this?

or like this?
framing out the hole i made w/ salvaged mahagony planks...
.used to be the big door out front at JOIA

lol can u tell i tad proud of the way it turned out??!! ahaha :) :)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

6/26/11...some things are cool, and some things just ain't...

barely even annieable surf?...not so cool
this shot kinda cool, the colors, kinda funny too, everybody bendin' over hmm
kai man super stoked mama never made him rock banana hammocks like that dude, 
way cool ahaha
ahh yes, all the cool kids chillin'...
cool hat alexi
smile faces always cool, 
specially when u get ta see this one daily on da way ta beach 3rd st
kai man looks stoned, not cool 
check his fresh hat, grom designed this one himself..
and yellow cabbies in the shot x2, cool
puttin' him ta work...
child labor rules

lol...the hat for sure is dope..not so much the dude rocking it tho ahaha
i dunno folks, chip n'dale dancers? really? um...can i get that hat back please?

awww kai man kisses always cool
: )

all packed out down da beach, aight..
all packed out w/ all that crew? nahh
..3 love it

surfline chart