Tuesday, March 22, 2011

3/22/11.....naked in the park. dead roosters in the water. and how the F did i end up out here?. THE MOST RANDOM DAY EVER

ahh so pretty
like technicolor  
(what up dude)
cept for the dead roosters on the beach...? 
AND in the water..?? WTF! 
heres the underwater view....ya um, that's its gangled head hanging down there, so yummy
aside from all that it was a lovely day at the beach ahahaha
little baby LB wave too
nothing like hot boogie boarder chicas...

and um, dudes catching waves in their briefs..? ahaha lol
and then saying "u better not have taken a picture of that".....right
and these girls so colorful i was like fascinated
almost like cartoon 3rd st
was hard to bail, but damn it was bizarre, like 45 mins straight random. 
As if all that was not enough, next thing i know.. 
 i was naked in the park...
omF...lolol...u no idea....my sarong fell off....my hands all full and board on my head and ya, it went flying. i laughing so hard i almost crying.  and like momentary shock of oh shat what do i do??!!! omf crap crap, and um ya....

then somehow i ended up way out here....

 trying best keep on smiling : I ahaha

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