Monday, May 2, 2011

5/2/11.... GOOD (in 2 or more ways)

David and this shot, one a my faves
SUP jose
some sets coming in
 sorry SUP jose, i cut off ur head....but damn, look at them hot legs.... ,')

lmfao...see that little spec in middle of this shot.....kai man up and riding...1

ya tony g, LB city woop woop
and love the 3rd st representing
these two take 2 ,')
they comes in twos this dia lol
and two of these two too
(ahaha w/ a name like tworoger, what do u expect?)

oh damn and in 3's too

not sure what this one a shot of, but sure looks funny
and this one looks like an octopus to me
and here we can all see SUP jose ripping ,')
and los walking up like the baller in charge that he is..
ahahaha luv ya kid


surfline chart