Sunday, March 4, 2012

3/3/ OCEANA seaBLUE event...featuring artwork by Annie Tworoger of 3RDandOCEAN

the art went up, the bangs came down...
and kai man put a flower in my hair...
(yes he is the raddest grom around :)
Big thanks to Mrs. Senta Mackel, she is superwoman.  
Commissioned my auction piece and placed it right next to Wyland and Guy Harvey's
superwoman senta (event coordinator extraordinaire) and I
And the following are some images of my work up just prior to all the guest's arrival ...

lighting was tough yes
but all good enough...


  1. Damn!! Those look sick!!

  2. For real very sick congrats ;-)

  3. Annie, everything looked great and you peaked some interest beyond your auction piece! I had no doubt, you are super talented and I can't thank you enough for being a part of the Oceana Event! Luved the bangs, BTW! Senta

  4. You look tired !

  5. Lmao of course u would write that mr Denman ahaha


surfline chart