Friday, May 13, 2011

5/13/11....gettin all dusty is fun, and sharpons on da beach!! (or rather, in da water 3rd st)

i guess tarpons can look like sharks...if u've never seen a tarpon before, or a shark....
i'll get back to that in a sec...cuz before the beach i had ta do some more work @305
yep that me, grinding away ahaha
...when u fresh out of a face mask, um, just use ur head scarf?
 damn i got so dusted up
so totally covered it was all up my nostrils ahahaha, so lovely 
(and ya, head scarf as face mask not all that effective)
my black kicks turned nice cream color lol
but ahh, the, not quite...mission accomplished tho. nevermind the hole on top...we get to that one another day.  now it beach time yay!
the 3rd st hostess herself, miss silvia g was just pullin up ta post up at her spot as always
and this dude always there too
was all chill and nice....
and then the sharpons came in to attack!! mass hysteria broke out
people running down to the water screaming shark shark!
everybody looking to see...
there they are see!
two mating tarpons doing there mating dance....
ya i dunno alexi...but word, way ta represent!

also representing today....
were my mother's two fab friends! love it ladies! woop woop!

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